Company details: Rockthosecurves is the trading name of Sendit4me Ltd
Company registration number : 09799143
Country of registration : UK
VAT number GB 435148501
Registered company address: 39 Dovedale Road, Bolton, BL2 5HT
Rockthosecurves is a small family firm. It has been inspired by the kind and thoughtful comments gained from our Facebook and Instagram account - both myself and my daughter do all the purchasing, modelling, packaging and posting - yes we are very busy.
Between us, we have built up 15 years of retail fashion experience - we established ourselves by selling shoes and realised that there was a gap in the market for real people like me. I am over 50 and not lucky enough to be shaped like a model. I have finally learnt to just be happy with myself and enjoy wearing clothes that look good and that improve my confidence - hey and that means - if I can do it - you can too.
Best Regards